Don’t bother about anything… Have nice sleep in the office
I worked for a team leader who never bother about anything and always have fun. I loved to work with him. He never leave us go down at any point of time. He used to sleep in the office in the chair itself. He used to call me to his seat for any technical support required.
1. Sleeping while working
One day he called in the morning and asked me to come to his seat. He went there. He was checking a problem in ERP system and asked me to look into that. We both started looking into that issue deeply. I was thinking some thing and turned and saw him then I got shocked. He was sleeping in his chair itself. He was started sleeping for 2 minutes and working for 2 minutes. I didn’t know what to do?
He had to save a file in his PC. He pressed the save option and popup came. When he was typing the file name, he went for a sleep and also he pressed a button. The system was giving some beep sound, but he didn’t realize that. He was sleeping coolly. After that I took the keyboard and started working on that.
2. Sleeping in the discussion
One day we had a conference call with on-site team about some strategy decisions. Everybody assembled in our project manager room. Our team leader sat behind our project manager. The meeting was started and going on well. On-site person asked a question for our team leader. Our project manager turned back for his answer. He was sleeping coolly. I started laughing inside me. Finally our project manager managed to answer that question.
3. Sleeping in the training
We used to have a project communication call every Monday for 2 hours. Somebody have to talk about project related things (which never help us). We had to attend that meeting because of our project manager. Our team leader is a Finance functional guy. He doesn’t need to know about the technical (like Oracle, SQL server, Power builder, ASP and etc). Project manager asked our team leader also to attend that meeting. He refused to attend, but our project manager did not leave him. I also used to skip that meeting if I get a chance.
One day our team leader came for that meeting. That day the session was about Oracle SQL quires. This was not relevant for him. The session was started and going on. After 15mins we started hearing snoring sound. When I turned back and saw, our team leader was in sound sleep. After this our PM didn’t call him for that meeting.
He is probably sick. Usually due to lack of oxygen. These people can't sleep right for years and so, just get asleep during the day until they are treated or dye...
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